Short Term Assessment

HomeServicesShort Term Assessment

NEC Schools have the capacity to provide short term placements for students who require an extended evaluation in an out of district setting.




NEC Schools have the capacity to provide short term placements for students who require an extended evaluation in an out of district setting and for those students, with or without an IEP, who may require an alternative placement for a period of time due to disciplinary issues.

Rather than separate the child from his/her peers, in most cases, our model integrates the student in an age appropriate classroom with other students who have similar developmental needs. Our clinical and educational staff observe the child in this setting, administer formal or informal assessments if appropriate, and work closely with the student, family, and LEA to devise an individualized plan for assessment, stabilization, and, when appropriate, reintegration into a less restrictive environment.

Components of the assessment include:

  1. In-depth clinical interview with parent/guardian, student, and appropriate district personnel.

  2. Complete record review and review of all previous testing.

  3. Clinical observations of the student in a school setting.

  4. Screening, if indicated, by speech-language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or medical staff.

  5. Formal assessment as needed.

  6. Mid-evaluation meeting with team.

  7. Final written report with clear recommendations.




For more information about assessment options for a child with emotional or behavioral issues in grades K-6 contact:

Tracy Farraher

Program Director

Northshore Academy Lower School

Phone: 978-536-5151


For more information about assessment options for a student in grades 7-12 or a transition assessment contact:

Dave Dorvilier, LICSW

Assessment Coordinator/School Counselor

Northshore Academy Upper School

Phone: 978-338-1450 x2221


For more information about assessment options for students with severe disabilities contact:

Andrea Holt

Assistant Program Director

Kevin’O’Grady School

Phone: 978-232-9755 ext. 1359
